Goodbye And Hello

So this is gonna be a bittersweet one. We will explore the blog's evolution and the exciting path it is heading towards, as well as sharing my vision for its future. While primarily exploring the blog's evolution and the exciting path it is heading towards, as well as sharing my vision for its future. And it's nothing really to be sad about but something I've been thinking about for a while even after I started this blog.

To give some context after I left Phoenix, I came back home and was pretty devastated. You know I made up all these dreams of being a writer and nothing followed through. I was just so busy working. So when I came back home I wanted to stretch my creative legs, but I didn't know how to so I kind of surfed the web, I knew I wanted to go back to YouTube but I needed something to get my feet wet and to get me out of my comfort zone with writing and in my search of looking through Patreon I found (buy me a coffee). At first I treated it as a donation page until I surfed through it and found out you could add a lot more things like blog posts, pictures, audio recordings and now they even added polls. And so you have this kind of starter blog site. I was interested, so I made me a profile and just threw up my first post talking about Silent Hill shattered memories and I still remember that post. It was a way to express how much I liked it, how much I loved it, sort of like a video essay but just in blog format. And as time went on, I started adding old stories, adding new stories I started talking about music about shows and in that time I got myself to at least get a post up every month to stay consistent and this was back in October 2023 I think. It was great you know I had a place to not only vent but to just to word vomit and gush about whatever nerdy thing I found and without this I wouldn't have been so consistent with my writing no matter what job I work when I came home I always pressured myself to keep writing to keep this going even if I missed a couple weeks that doesn't mean I need to stop writing.

As time passed, I found myself taking on more tasks and responsibilities. To streamline my priorities, I decided to cut out unnecessary elements. During my time in Phoenix, I gained a clearer understanding of my future aspirations, and I noticed that many of my posts revolve around similar subjects. But I'm not mad at that anymore. I'm kind of glad because now I got a record of where my mind was at last year and where it's at this year and it's helped me clear my thoughts. I'm grateful that I left Phoenix and returned home to pursue something like this. Despite being dedicated to my previous jobs, like Albertson's, I couldn't sacrifice my passion for this endeavor. This has assisted me in generating podcast concepts and not placing too much importance on YouTube. In the last year and a half, I have achieved far more than I would have if I had remained in Phoenix. I am grateful for indulging in a cup of coffee.

But even I can understand that I can go further with the blogs. I can increase the quality while adding more content to them. It’s gotten me to look around through the web, to review different blogs. It made me want to expand, want to grow not only as a blogger but as a writer and now I do want to start my website and that leads to this site. I think for now I’m done with adding blogs to the buy me a coffee site I won’t get rid of these blog posts but I will transfer them to the website plus I will make edits to older blog posts so they’re cleaned up and anyone who donates at least has some type of content to look at but I think this post is perfect to where it ends on this chapter and starts on the next chapter. Where they get half of the book and then they go elsewhere to see the second half because at this point I’ve got no donations, but this site is still amazing. I freaking love this. I owe so much to buy me a coffee which has helped me grow as a writer, as a person and I’m so thankful to still be using this. But Even I know there are some limits to buy me a coffee that I want to stretch out and expand these blog posts and make them lengthier longer, to spend more time with them and make them unique in the future.

As I write this, my heart is filled with a mixture of bitter sweetness and excitement, causing a fluttering sensation in my chest. It’s as if my emotions are dancing, unsure whether to mourn the end of an era or embrace the beginning of something new. This emotional roller coaster is mirrored in the physical sensations I feel - a knot in my stomach, tingling in my fingertips, and a racing pulse.

The anticipation of venturing into larger platforms and starting my website is electrifying. I can’t help but imagine the possibilities that lie ahead, igniting a fire within me. The thought of creating something truly authentic, a website that reflects my thoughts and captures the essence of who I am as William Thompson creative, sends shivers down my spine.

Reflecting on my previous experience with Shopify, I am reminded of the satisfaction I felt in taking my first steps towards my creative aspirations. However, now armed with Squarespace, I believe I can truly bring my ideas to life. With this new platform, I am determined to delve into greater detail, providing more links, and incorporating captivating videos. I yearn to push the boundaries of creativity, to let my imagination run wild.

If you have stumbled upon this post, I am not angered, but rather grateful. We all start somewhere, and I appreciate your presence on this journey. I encourage you to explore this site if you, too, feel the itch of creativity or are in need of a platform to express yourself. Buy me a coffee is an excellent tool for donation purposes, and I highly recommend it.

Whether you are reading this now or in the future, whether you are a longtime follower or a newcomer, I extend my sincerest gratitude for taking the time to read through my blog post. I eagerly await our future encounters through my website and the various ventures I embark upon. Once again, thank you for being a part of this journey.


The Month of Love and Thoughts


My Thoughts- Old Post Pt. 2